Saturday, November 8, 2008


We went frame shopping for Maddie's masterpiece expecting to pay bucko bucks, when we found this PERFECT frame at Ross on clearance for only $5.50!!! I love sweet deals!


Margaret said...

That really is the perfect frame!

rachel said...

ditto to what margaret said. that frame is perfect!

josiah said...

written .... long ago!

Madison McKenzie joined us today
A gift from G-d so the holy scriptures say. Welcome!

You had a long tough battle coming in. your mom has to be praised for hanging in so long - 38 hours!
.... attempting a totally natural birth.

I was led to tell her 3 things during this anguish and pain.
The 3rd was: "so you thought Tae Kwon Do was tough." That made her smile which pleased me immensely for she knew that (as much as a father can) I knew what she was going through.

I watched your dad help your mom; he only left her side for moments to get her things. Your uncle Josh stood by with great pride, helping with everything he could, totally in awe of you and your birth. Your grandma too; she helped your mom through the entire process, with breathing, backrubs, emotional and physical expressions of love.

Welcome again, Maddy!

Your grandma, Josh, and I all loved you before you were even born, just like your mom and dad did. We saw the tears in their eyes when they saw you. We were all overwhelmed at the miracle of your birth and make this promise to you as you grow: "We love you and always will and be there for you. We say this, for life is not easy, in fact, life has a lot in common with the birthing process! know that G-d knew you before you were born, that He's called you to be one of His, that He predestined you to be part of our family. Thank You, Father.
I've written this here because I never saw the possibility that I'd be excluded from you and the others ..... not this way and if you don't need to hear it, I still need to say it. You all are loved; grandpa.

About Me

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I am a mother of 5 beautiful children! My husband is a contractor and I am a nursing student. I love working in labor and delivery and in the NICU. I have been riding motorcycles for years now and I'm finally gettting good. I love having dinner parties and hanging out with friends!